I can’t advise you being that I have never been anywhere near where you are right now, but I must say that I really feel for you man.
Mr. Majestic
JoinedPosts by Mr. Majestic
Slowly killing myself
by 5thGeneration injust got back from the doctor and he was alarmed at my liver function test.
he sent me for an ultrasound of my liver and i'm being tested for hep.. problem:.
my drinking way too much is because i have a hard time dealing with wanting to leave the 'truth' but can't.
Anyone else get baptised at BOWES ROAD North London?
by nicolaou inare you my bowes rd buddy?.
Mr. Majestic
I got baptised there as well. When I was a kid my friends and I used to hide in that little room at the top of the fire exit stair well and then get chased by the attendants.
Remembering these things really makes you feel crap doesn’t it? All that wasted time.
What is with the JW hate towards the depressed?
by 5go inwhy do they treat the like the have sinned a great sin ( oh wait i might of answered it doh!
) when they are just down a bit..
Mr. Majestic
I am not so sure that they hate the depressed, or not at first anyhow. But this is a topic when belief hits reality. Like everyone has said, all their advice fails to work. Usually the blame is put back onto the one that is suffering (not doing enough, not enough faith, hope, ministry). But what I found is at these times they would show all the biblical references about prayer and the fact that god said that he would give you the "strength beyond normal" (I hate that scripture now) and when it didn’t work then the only conclusion was that it was the person who was suffering that was not putting in sufficient effort. God never fails right? That is when it starts to feel like they hate you. People then try to work out what it is that you are not doing right, because it can’t be the belief that is wrong.
I am glad to have read everyone else’s experience. I didn’t know that other have suffered the same. Thanks everyone.
Jehovah's Witness here.
by nimzo ini have a question about my religion.
when people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
they turn back to false teachings and their bible knowledge even proves that.
Mr. Majestic
Nimzo, you are now falling into your own trap. It is now you that is not answering questions that you don’t wish to answer and keeping to ones that you want to. Being so selective proves unreasonableness. You're loosing old chap. And what’s with the attitude?
Jehovah's Witness here.
by nimzo ini have a question about my religion.
when people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
they turn back to false teachings and their bible knowledge even proves that.
Mr. Majestic
Ok Nimzo, God’s name used in the bible or not. How does this debate prove that you have the truth as a JW. How do you answer all of your false prophesies over the years which are still changing to this day? Please answer.
Non-traditional marriage proposal -- she ask him?
by merfi inyour thoughts?.
(thinking about it...).
Mr. Majestic
I think a man would be just as thrilled to be proposed to. I wish you the best.
Go for it!
Jehovah's Witness here.
by nimzo ini have a question about my religion.
when people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
they turn back to false teachings and their bible knowledge even proves that.
Mr. Majestic
Hi Nimzo,
Just a quick point on delusion. I suffered greatly because I was hanging onto the delusion that JW’s had the truth. I have done myself such harm. If you look at a few post histories of others you will see many people have been in the same situation, going along with the org but inside they knew that something was wrong. You just have to look back at the ever changing history of the teachings of the society to realize that something is wrong. I know that it will be referred to as old light and Proverbs 4:18 will be quoted, but just read that scripture in context and you will see that it is just plainly misquoted.
We are not apostates as you think Nizmo. We are just people that have been mislead by a false religion. You need to look into it very deeply yourself, in areas that you are not allowed to question as a JW, and I am sure that you will see it. Open mindedness and honesty will expose it to you.
I wish you well.
You know you have left the J.W's for good when??
by karter inyou look forward to sunday mornings ........... for a sleep in.. you buy yourself something really nice and don't worry who your going to offend..
Mr. Majestic
When the people in the congregation stop asking you how you are
Threefold Cord in Witness Marriages- It's Not Enough to Make Marriage Work
by flipper inhello folks.
thought this would be an important subject to discuss, got the idea for this based on reading from some posters the concern they have for the imbalanced views witnesses have of their marriages.
i have some experience in this, as i was married 19 years to a witness woman (staunch fanatical witness ) , whom i married at age 19 in 1979 as a witness myself.
Mr. Majestic
I always found it sad for one person that I knew, who’s partner pioneered and they were always at home waiting for them. But I think that marrying for common spiritual interests is a big mistake and misses out some of the more vital elements as you have said Mr. Flipper. Compatibility has to be the most important surly.
I think that the other problem is the fact that there is very limited choice and so people are pressured to marry with compromise in view. It is sad to see a marriage that is forced to stay together when there is absolutely no life left in it.
I think that two people should only be married if they love each other, not because they both love a God.
What is most important for a typical JW
by Nosferatu inwhat, in your opinion, is most important thing for a typical jw?
what affects him in his day to day life?
what causes them to make the decisions they do?
Mr. Majestic
For some it is to show off their own self-righteousness in front of everyone. I think that there are some who genuinely do it for the love of Jah and his ways. You gota love the self-righteous class right?